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DOWN AND UP AGAIN - Lukas Schaefer

Published in Video
Martedì, 13 Gennaio 2015

"Skiing always ment a lot to me, it's a way to live out my energy, it gives me a smooth, flowy feeling. But sometimes skiing involes pain..."

DOWN AND UP AGAIN è il racconto della difficile stagione 2013/14 di Lukas Schäfer caratterizzata da una brutta serie di infortuni.

FILMED BY: Daniel Tschurtschenthaler, Stefan Mahlknecht, Jack Benziger, Nick Broms, Evan Heath, Piotr Kabat,, Nine Knights

MUSIC: Ludovico Einaudi - fly Handbook - Reverential

DOWN AND UP AGAIN - Lukas Schaefer WildZooEntertainment
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